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Cities in Multnomah County, Oregon
City | Population | County |
Portland | 2,036,880 | Multnomah |
Gresham | 114,164 | Multnomah |
Troutdale | 16,353 | Multnomah |
Fairview | 10,439 | Multnomah |
Wood Village | 4,435 | Multnomah |
Dunthorpe | 1,762 | Multnomah |
Maywood Park | 1,054 | Multnomah |
Orient | 731 | Multnomah |
Sycamore | 0 | Multnomah |
Arleta | 0 | Multnomah |
Springdale | 0 | Multnomah |
Russellville | 0 | Multnomah |
Burlington | 0 | Multnomah |
Bonny Slope | 0 | Multnomah |
Corbett | 0 | Multnomah |
Willamette Heights | 0 | Multnomah |
Ladd Circle | 0 | Multnomah |
Green Hills | 0 | Multnomah |
Graham | 0 | Multnomah |
Bridal Veil | 0 | Multnomah |
Holbrook | 0 | Multnomah |
Bonneville | 0 | Multnomah |
Woodstock | 0 | Multnomah |
Pleasant Home | 0 | Multnomah |
Powell Valley | 0 | Multnomah |
Fir | 0 | Multnomah |
Interlachen | 0 | Multnomah |
Portland Heights | 0 | Multnomah |
Englewood | 0 | Multnomah |
Gilbert | 0 | Multnomah |
Gilbert Station | 0 | Multnomah |
Powellhurst | 0 | Multnomah |
Warrendale | 0 | Multnomah |
Burlingame | 0 | Multnomah |
Riverwood | 0 | Multnomah |
Kings Heights | 0 | Multnomah |
Bellrose | 0 | Multnomah |
Alameda | 0 | Multnomah |
Faloma | 0 | Multnomah |
Latourell | 0 | Multnomah |
Champ | 0 | Multnomah |
Harborton | 0 | Multnomah |
Vermont Hills | 0 | Multnomah |
Villa Ridge | 0 | Multnomah |
Corbett Station | 0 | Multnomah |
Dodson | 0 | Multnomah |
Multnomah Falls Recreation Site | 0 | Multnomah |
Westmoreland | 0 | Multnomah |
Ruby | 0 | Multnomah |
Folkenberg | 0 | Multnomah |
Bridlemile | 0 | Multnomah |
Hillsdale | 0 | Multnomah |
University Park | 0 | Multnomah |
Jenne | 0 | Multnomah |
Linnemann | 0 | Multnomah |
Whitwood Court | 0 | Multnomah |