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Cities in Guilford County, NC
City | Population | County |
Greensboro | 345,270 | Guilford |
High Point | 178,800 | Guilford |
Summerfield | 11,026 | Guilford |
Gibsonville | 8,684 | Guilford |
Oak Ridge | 7,461 | Guilford |
Stokesdale | 5,895 | Guilford |
Pleasant Garden | 4,990 | Guilford |
Forest Oaks | 4,265 | Guilford |
Jamestown | 3,700 | Guilford |
McLeansville | 1,040 | Guilford |
Whitsett | 574 | Guilford |
Sedalia | 483 | Guilford |
Mount Zion | 0 | Guilford |
Sedge-Town | 0 | Guilford |
Browns Summit | 0 | Guilford |
Julian | 0 | Guilford |
Sandy Ridge | 0 | Guilford |
Monticello | 0 | Guilford |
Rudd | 0 | Guilford |
Deep River | 0 | Guilford |
Allen Jay | 0 | Guilford |
Kirkman Crossroad | 0 | Guilford |
Brightwood | 0 | Guilford |
Miles Crossroad | 0 | Guilford |
Guilford | 0 | Guilford |
Climax | 0 | Guilford |
North Hyde Park | 0 | Guilford |
Florence | 0 | Guilford |
Kings Crossroads | 0 | Guilford |
Sedgefield | 0 | Guilford |
Koontzville | 0 | Guilford |
Highland Park West | 0 | Guilford |
Ogburns Crossroads | 0 | Guilford |
Freeman Mill | 0 | Guilford |
Greesons Crossroads | 0 | Guilford |
Troxlers Mill | 0 | Guilford |
Scalesville | 0 | Guilford |
Vandalia | 0 | Guilford |
Osceola | 0 | Guilford |
Latham Park | 0 | Guilford |
Hillsdale | 0 | Guilford |
Colfax | 0 | Guilford |
Groometown | 0 | Guilford |
Stewarts Mill | 0 | Guilford |