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Cities in Greene County, NC
City | Population | County |
Snow Hill | 2,054 | Greene |
Maury | 1,351 | Greene |
Hookerton | 706 | Greene |
Walstonburg | 276 | Greene |
Glenfield | 0 | Greene |
Jason | 0 | Greene |
Shines Crossroads | 0 | Greene |
Arba | 0 | Greene |
Lizzie | 0 | Greene |
Fieldsboro | 0 | Greene |
Willow Creek | 0 | Greene |
Fourway | 0 | Greene |
Scuffleton | 0 | Greene |
Glenfield Crossroads | 0 | Greene |
Shine | 0 | Greene |
Speights Bridge | 0 | Greene |
Lindell | 0 | Greene |
Browntown Crossroads | 0 | Greene |
Ormondsville | 0 | Greene |
Castoria | 0 | Greene |