
Public Records In Groveton, NH

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National > New Hampshire > Groveton

Absolute People Search is not affiliated with any government agencies. We are a public record aggregator, we collect a vast variety of public records from many different public and private sources to make them easily accessible to the general public through simple searches.

Accessing public records in Groveton, NH

Groveton is not incorporated with a local government but is designated as populated area by the US Census. As a result public records are held by the Coos County court and the county clerk's office. Records related to criminal offenses are also held by Coos County Sheriff's Office. Berlin is one of the larger near by cities.

The below state agencies will also hold records for Groveton residents.

New Hampshire Secretary of State: Maintains records related to business entities, including corporate filings, trademarks, and trade names.

New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services: Provides access to vital records such as birth certificates, death certificates, marriage certificates, and divorce records.

New Hampshire Department of Corrections: Provides access to records related to incarcerated individuals, including inmate records and prison information.

New Hampshire Department of Safety: Manages records related to vehicle registrations, driver's licenses, and driving records.

In addition, State Police: Coos County. may contain records for residents of Groveton.

Complete public record stats in Groveton, NH

Crime rates in Coos County

Primary law enforecment agencies in Groveton

Name Type County City
Coos County Sheriff's Office County Coos

Reporting Agency: Coos County Sheriff's Office (per capita = reports per 100,000 residents)

Last Year Count: | 0-Year Average Count: 0 | Solved (5yr ave): 0%

Last Year Count: | 0-Year Average Count: 0 | Solved (5yr ave): 0%

Last Year Count: | 0-Year Average Count: 0 | Solved (5yr ave): 0%

Last Year Count: | 0-Year Average Count: 0 | Solved (5yr ave): 0%

Last Year Count: | 0-Year Average Count: 0 | Solved (5yr ave): 0%

Last Year Count: | 0-Year Average Count: 0 | Solved (5yr ave): 0%

Last Year Count: | 0-Year Average Count: 0 | Solved (5yr ave): 0%

Last Year Count: | 0-Year Average Count: 0 | Solved (5yr ave): 0%

Last Year Count: | 0-Year Average Count: 0 | Solved (5yr ave): 0%

Last Year Count: | 0-Year Average Count: 0 | Solved (5yr ave): 0%

Income distribution in Groveton, NH

The household income level of $15,000 To $20,000 is 136% more common than the national average, making up 8.6% of the population. And the household income level of Under $5,000 is -100% less common than the national average, making up 0% of the population in Groveton.

Income Household Under $5,000 (Groveton is -100% less than National Ave.)


Income Household $5,000 To $10,000 (Groveton is -21.71% less than National Ave.)


Income Household $10,000 To $15,000 (Groveton is 57.7% higher than National Ave.)


Income Household $15,000 To $20,000 (Groveton is 136.02% higher than National Ave.)


Income Household $20,000 To $25,000 (Groveton is 30.26% higher than National Ave.)


Income Household $25,000 To $35,000 (Groveton is 68.02% higher than National Ave.)


Income Household $35,000 To $50,000 (Groveton is 22.8% higher than National Ave.)


Income Household $50,000 To $75,000 (Groveton is 65.95% higher than National Ave.)


Income Household $75,000 To $100,000 (Groveton is 0.4% higher than National Ave.)


Income Household $100,000 To $150,000 (Groveton is -34.35% less than National Ave.)


Income Household $150,000 Over (Groveton is -82.36% less than National Ave.)


Education levels in Groveton, NH

The education level of Highschool is 110% more common than the national average, making up 51.3% of the population. And the education level of Graduate Degree is -85% less common than the national average, making up 2% of the population in Groveton.

Less Than Highschool (Groveton is 23.43% higher than National Ave.)


Highschool (Groveton is 110.52% higher than National Ave.)


Some College (Groveton is -4.87% less than National Ave.)


Bachelors (Groveton is -63.44% less than National Ave.)


Graduate Degree (Groveton is -85.04% less than National Ave.)


College Or Above (Groveton is -71.96% less than National Ave.)


Stem Degree (Groveton is -38.13% less than National Ave.)


Socioeconimics in Groveton, NH

In Groveton, the Disabled percent is 78% higher than the national average, making up 21.4% of the population. And Limited English percent is -100% lower than the national average, making up 0% of the population.

Married (Groveton is 10.04% higher than National Ave.)


Divorced (Groveton is 29.32% higher than National Ave.)


Never Married (Groveton is -17.3% less than National Ave.)


Widowed (Groveton is 30.36% higher than National Ave.)


Home Ownership (Groveton is 4.18% higher than National Ave.)


Rent Burden (Groveton is -32.93% less than National Ave.)


Labor Force Participation (Groveton is 4.51% higher than National Ave.)


Unemployment Rate (Groveton is -7.52% less than National Ave.)


Disabled (Groveton is 78.48% higher than National Ave.)


Poverty (Groveton is 1.94% higher than National Ave.)


Limited English (Groveton is -100% less than National Ave.)


Commute Time (Groveton is -2.6% less than National Ave.)


Health Uninsured (Groveton is -42.83% less than National Ave.)


Demograhics in Groveton, NH

White (Groveton is 55.75% higher than National Ave.)


Hispanic (Groveton is -91.75% less than National Ave.)


Multiple (Groveton is -84.58% less than National Ave.)


Asian (Groveton is -93.64% less than National Ave.)


Other (Groveton is -100% less than National Ave.)


Native (Groveton is -100% less than National Ave.)


Black (Groveton is -100% less than National Ave.)


Pacific (Groveton is -100% less than National Ave.)


Age distribution in Groveton, NH

Age Under 10 (Groveton is 25.26% higher than National Ave.)


Age 10 To 19 (Groveton is -25.26% less than National Ave.)


Age 20s (Groveton is 4.8% higher than National Ave.)


Age 30s (Groveton is -1.27% less than National Ave.)


Age 40s (Groveton is 16.45% higher than National Ave.)


Age 50s (Groveton is -15.72% less than National Ave.)


Age 60s (Groveton is 22.93% higher than National Ave.)


Age 70s (Groveton is -6.37% less than National Ave.)


Age Over 80 (Groveton is 28.53% higher than National Ave.)


General info in Groveton, NH

County Name Coos
Population 892
Population Proper 892
Density 171.3
Age Median 37.50 (Groveton is 1.56% higher than National Ave.)
Family Size 2.89 (Groveton is -8.05% less than National Ave.)
Family Dual Income 64.60 (Groveton is 23.62% higher than National Ave.)
Income Individual Median 31,154.00 (Groveton is -13.03% less than National Ave.)
Home Value 74,674.00 (Groveton is -76.46% less than National Ave.)
Rent Median 683.00 (Groveton is -44.75% less than National Ave.)
Rent Burden 20.10 (Groveton is -32.93% less than National Ave.)

All crime reporting agencies in Groveton and Coos County

Name Type County City
Coos County Sheriff's Office County Coos
State Police: Coos County State Police Coos
Berlin Police Department City Coos Berlin
Carroll Police Department City Coos Carroll
Colebrook Police Department City Coos Colebrook
Gorham Police Department City Coos Gorham
Lancaster Police Department City Coos Lancaster
Northumberland Police Department City Coos Northumberland
Pittsburg City Coos Pittsburg
Whitefield Police Department City Coos Whitefield

FAQs about area statistics

You may not use our service or the information it provides to make decisions about consumer credit, employment, insurance, tenant screening, or any other purpose that would require FCRA compliance. Absolute People Search does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency. (These terms have special meanings under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 USC 1681 et seq., ("FCRA"), which are incorporated herein by reference.). The information available on our website may not be 100% accurate, complete, or up to date, so do not use it as a substitute for your own due diligence, especially if you have concerns about a person's criminal history. Absolute People Search does not make any representation or warranty about the accuracy or availability of the information available through our website or about the character or integrity of the person about whom you inquire.