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Accessing public records in Dobson, NC
Dobson is incorporated with a local city government which will contain some public records. But most public records are held by Surry County court and the county clerk's office. Local law enforcement agencies will also hold records related to criminal offenses. These agencies are Surry County Sheriff's Office and Dobson Police Department. Some of the larger surrounding cities are Mount Airy, Greensboro, , Winston, Salem and High Point.
The below state agencies will also hold records for Dobson residents.
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services: Provides access to vital records such as birth certificates, death certificates, marriage certificates, and divorce records.
North Carolina Department of Public Safety: Provides access to records related to criminal history checks, arrest records, and driver's license records.
North Carolina Secretary of State: Maintains records related to business entities, including corporate filings, trademarks, and trade names.
North Carolina Department of Transportation: Manages records related to vehicle registrations, driver's licenses, and driving records.
In addition, State Park Rangers: Pilot Mountain. may contain records for residents of Dobson.
Complete public record stats in Dobson, NC
Crime rates in Dobson, NC
Primary law enforecment agencies in Dobson
Name | Type | County | City |
Surry County Sheriff's Office | County | Surry | |
Dobson Police Department | City | Surry | Dobson |
Reporting Agency: Dobson Police Department (per capita = reports per 100,000 residents)
Aggravated Assault
Per Capita Rate: 64.6 | Last Year Count: 2 |
5-Year Average Count: 1 |
Solved (5yr ave): 40%
Dobson's per capita rate is -76% less than national rate.
Violent Crime
Per Capita Rate: 142.2 | Last Year Count: 3 |
5-Year Average Count: 2.2 |
Solved (5yr ave): 18.18%
Dobson's per capita rate is -63% less than national rate.
Per Capita Rate: 38.8 | Last Year Count: 0 |
5-Year Average Count: 0.6 |
Solved (5yr ave): 0%
Dobson's per capita rate is -52% less than national rate.
Per Capita Rate: 12.9 | Last Year Count: 0 |
5-Year Average Count: 0.2 |
Solved (5yr ave): 0%
Dobson's per capita rate is 18% higher than national rate.
Per Capita Rate: 0 | Last Year Count: 0 |
5-Year Average Count: 0 |
Solved (5yr ave): 0%
Dobson's per capita rate is -100% less than national rate.
Per Capita Rate: 258.6 | Last Year Count: 3 |
5-Year Average Count: 4 |
Solved (5yr ave): 25%
Dobson's per capita rate is -4% less than national rate.
Motor Vehicle Theft
Per Capita Rate: 64.6 | Last Year Count: 0 |
5-Year Average Count: 1 |
Solved (5yr ave): 60%
Dobson's per capita rate is -77% less than national rate.
Per Capita Rate: 1370.4 | Last Year Count: 17 |
5-Year Average Count: 21.2 |
Solved (5yr ave): 16.04%
Dobson's per capita rate is -2% less than national rate.
Per Capita Rate: 38.8 | Last Year Count: 0 |
5-Year Average Count: 0.6 |
Solved (5yr ave): 0%
Dobson's per capita rate is -3% less than national rate.
Property Crime
Per Capita Rate: 1693.6 | Last Year Count: 20 |
5-Year Average Count: 26.2 |
Solved (5yr ave): 19.08%
Dobson's per capita rate is -13% less than national rate.
Income distribution in Dobson, NC
The household income level of $5,000 To $10,000 is 147% more common than the national average, making up 6% of the population. And the household income level of $150,000 Over is -76% less common than the national average, making up 4.2% of the population in Dobson.Income Household Under $5,000 (Dobson is 23.99% higher than National Ave.)
Income Household $5,000 To $10,000 (Dobson is 147.24% higher than National Ave.)
Income Household $10,000 To $15,000 (Dobson is 62.87% higher than National Ave.)
Income Household $15,000 To $20,000 (Dobson is 92.11% higher than National Ave.)
Income Household $20,000 To $25,000 (Dobson is 19.84% higher than National Ave.)
Income Household $25,000 To $35,000 (Dobson is 16.72% higher than National Ave.)
Income Household $35,000 To $50,000 (Dobson is -12.29% less than National Ave.)
Income Household $50,000 To $75,000 (Dobson is 35.15% higher than National Ave.)
Income Household $75,000 To $100,000 (Dobson is -15.24% less than National Ave.)
Income Household $100,000 To $150,000 (Dobson is 12.81% higher than National Ave.)
Income Household $150,000 Over (Dobson is -76.11% less than National Ave.)
Education levels in Dobson, NC
The education level of Some College is 49% more common than the national average, making up 40.5% of the population. And the education level of Graduate Degree is -44% less common than the national average, making up 7.4% of the population in Dobson.Less Than Highschool (Dobson is 19.75% higher than National Ave.)
Highschool (Dobson is -9.72% less than National Ave.)
Some College (Dobson is 49.33% higher than National Ave.)
Bachelors (Dobson is -16.64% less than National Ave.)
Graduate Degree (Dobson is -44.65% less than National Ave.)
College Or Above (Dobson is -27.69% less than National Ave.)
Stem Degree (Dobson is 3.52% higher than National Ave.)
Socioeconimics in Dobson, NC
In Dobson, the Widowed percent is 73% higher than the national average, making up 9.2% of the population. And Limited English percent is -29% lower than the national average, making up 3.7% of the population.Married (Dobson is -7.44% less than National Ave.)
Divorced (Dobson is 16.22% higher than National Ave.)
Never Married (Dobson is 3.23% higher than National Ave.)
Widowed (Dobson is 73.81% higher than National Ave.)
Home Ownership (Dobson is -12.82% less than National Ave.)
Rent Burden (Dobson is -24.92% less than National Ave.)
Labor Force Participation (Dobson is -20.98% less than National Ave.)
Unemployment Rate (Dobson is 24.49% higher than National Ave.)
Disabled (Dobson is 68.47% higher than National Ave.)
Poverty (Dobson is -11.6% less than National Ave.)
Limited English (Dobson is -29.46% less than National Ave.)
Commute Time (Dobson is -22% less than National Ave.)
Health Uninsured (Dobson is 64.21% higher than National Ave.)
Demograhics in Dobson, NC
White (Dobson is 27.1% higher than National Ave.)
Hispanic (Dobson is -36.07% less than National Ave.)
Black (Dobson is -48% less than National Ave.)
Multiple (Dobson is -10.3% less than National Ave.)
Asian (Dobson is -11.01% less than National Ave.)
Other (Dobson is -79.98% less than National Ave.)
Native (Dobson is -100% less than National Ave.)
Pacific (Dobson is -100% less than National Ave.)
Age distribution in Dobson, NC
Age Under 10 (Dobson is -56.54% less than National Ave.)
Age 10 To 19 (Dobson is -13.46% less than National Ave.)
Age 20s (Dobson is 46.57% higher than National Ave.)
Age 30s (Dobson is 4.72% higher than National Ave.)
Age 40s (Dobson is 13.95% higher than National Ave.)
Age 50s (Dobson is -11.66% less than National Ave.)
Age 60s (Dobson is 7.33% higher than National Ave.)
Age 70s (Dobson is 4.38% higher than National Ave.)
Age Over 80 (Dobson is 83.23% higher than National Ave.)
General info in Dobson, NC
County Name | Surry |
Population | 1,547 |
Population Proper | 1,547 |
Density | 287.3 |
Age Median | 39.80 (Dobson is 7.78% higher than National Ave.) |
Family Size | 3.14 (Dobson is -0.1% less than National Ave.) |
Family Dual Income | 63.90 (Dobson is 22.28% higher than National Ave.) |
Income Individual Median | 27,692.00 (Dobson is -22.7% less than National Ave.) |
Home Value | 133,440.00 (Dobson is -57.94% less than National Ave.) |
Rent Median | 589.00 (Dobson is -52.36% less than National Ave.) |
Rent Burden | 22.50 (Dobson is -24.92% less than National Ave.) |
All crime reporting agencies in Dobson and Surry County
Name | Type | County | City |
Surry County Sheriff's Office | County | Surry | |
Mount Airy Police Department | City | Surry | Mount Airy |
Pilot Mountain Police Department | City | Surry | Pilot Mountain |
Dobson Police Department | City | Surry | Dobson |
State Park Rangers: Pilot Mountain | Other State Agency | Surry |
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