
Thomas D Byrd

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524 E Jefferson St, APT 2 Stoughton, WI, 53589 (view full map)

Thomas D Byrd in Stoughton, WI

Profile Bio

Based on financial information we have, the net worth for Mr Byrd is $100,000 - $249,999 which is above average, so not bad. He currently lives in Stoughton and is a Home Owner. Last time we checked the credit score or got info on it, the score was between 700 - 749 which is excellent and would make someone an attractive borrower. He is ethnically White and speaks English. Public records would indicate that he is about 62 years old. It looks like the best email address we have is [email protected]. He must like adelphia... Public Records indicate that Thomas has a marital status of Single. The home type that he lives in is a 2-4 Unit (Duplex, Triplex, Quad). For income he makes around $65,000 - $74,999 per year which is pretty decent, he probably works in a higher skilled industry. Most people who are 62 are typically making USD 50,000.00 on yearly basis. In regards to donations made for political purposes, he has donated before. The number to call for Thomas is 6085483879. An IP address that has been previously associated is: but these change so it's hard to say if it's still the same or not. We are showing a date of birth of 07/00/1961 for Thomas. Based on the time zone info we have, Thomas should be located in Central.

Information about the phone number (608) 548 3879

(608) 548 3879 is a cellular phone that is in the broad vicinity of Madison, Wisconsin located near the zip code 53718


Number type: Cellular




Time Zone


IP Address

Date of Birth




Net Worth

$100,000 - $249,999


$65,000 - $74,999

Credit Score

700 - 749

Marital Status


Home Owner

Home Owner

Home Type

2-4 Unit (Duplex, Triplex, Quad)

Political Donor


Ethnic Group





Thomas D Byrd


Margie Martin
118 E Jefferson St
Kristina Mcmahon
207 E Jefferson St
Jason Johnson
211 E Jefferson St
Rita Johnson
211 E Jefferson St
Patrick Omalley
225 E Jefferson St
Karen Anderson
307 E Jefferson St
James Anderson
307 E Jefferson St
Jonathan Bennett
307 E Jefferson St
Craig Poland
409 E Jefferson St
Danny Aaberg
417 E Jefferson St
Susan Lucia
509 E Jefferson St
Brian Saeger
509 E Jefferson St
Deborah Saeger
509 E Jefferson St
Melvin Saeger
509 E Jefferson St
John Wacker
509 E Jefferson St
Robert Kauper
515 E Jefferson St
Kari Reynolds
525 E Jefferson St
Patricia Shaw
525 E Jefferson St
John Stillman
525 E Jefferson St


Full Contact Info

Criminal Background, Mugshots and Warrants

Social Media and Online Profiles

Assets and Property Owned

Education and Employment History

Associates and Personal Connections

Thomas Byrd's income and how it compares

Thomas's income of 65K - 75K is 123% of the average national income. In terms of income, Thomas lives in a very average area which is just slightly below the national average. 53589: 56.1K which is 92% of the average.

Thomas Byrd's income

65K - 75K

Zip 53589 average income per taxpayer


Zip 53589 average income per person


WI state average income per taxpayer


WI state average income per person


National average income per taxpayer


National average income per person


Area income is provided by IRS income reporting. And it displays the average instead of the median, which is why it may vary from other statistics.

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You may not use our service or the information it provides to make decisions about consumer credit, employment, insurance, tenant screening, or any other purpose that would require FCRA compliance. Absolute People Search does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency. (These terms have special meanings under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 USC 1681 et seq., ("FCRA"), which are incorporated herein by reference.). The information available on our website may not be 100% accurate, complete, or up to date, so do not use it as a substitute for your own due diligence, especially if you have concerns about a person's criminal history. Absolute People Search does not make any representation or warranty about the accuracy or availability of the information available through our website or about the character or integrity of the person about whom you inquire.