
William H Bond

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911 E Mona Cir, Wichita, KS, 67216 (view full map)

William H Bond in Wichita, KS

Profile Bio

He is ethnically White and speaks English. We have an email address on file of [email protected]. Based on financial information we have, the net worth for Mr Bond is $25,000 - $49,999 which is below the national median of 96,000. William was born on 07/00/1968. It looks like William has made political donations in the past. It looks like the kind of home is a Single Family Home. For income he makes around $75,000 - $99,999 per year which is really good and normally requires higher levels of education. For more perspective, 55 year olds normally make USD 47,349.00 every year. Previous digital communications have been sent by William from the IP address In order to connect with William, you most likely want to call 3162504241. The time zone that William is located in is: Central. For ownership status, we are showing he is a Home Owner and resides near the city Wichita. We all age and so does William, he is 55 but who's counting. Our marital records are currently showing that William has a status of Married. Credit scores that we previously received for William indicate the score is around 600 - 649 which is about average but could be improved upon by building positive credit history.

Information about the phone number (316) 250 4241

(316) 250 4241 is a cellular phone that is in the broad vicinity of Wichita, Kansas located near the zip code 67206


Number type: Cellular




Time Zone


IP Address

Date of Birth




Net Worth

$25,000 - $49,999


$75,000 - $99,999

Credit Score

600 - 649

Marital Status


Home Owner

Home Owner

Home Type

Single Family Home

Political Donor


Ethnic Group





William H Bond


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921 E Mona Cir
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Lana Bond
911 E Mona Cir

Full Contact Info

Criminal Background, Mugshots and Warrants

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Education and Employment History

Associates and Personal Connections

William Bond's income and how it compares

William's income of 75K - 100K is 164% of the average national income. William's zip code of 67216 only makes 48% of the nation wide average income of 61k. This is a lower income area.

William Bond's income

75K - 100K

Zip 67216 average income per taxpayer


Zip 67216 average income per person


KS state average income per taxpayer


KS state average income per person


National average income per taxpayer


National average income per person


Area income is provided by IRS income reporting. And it displays the average instead of the median, which is why it may vary from other statistics.

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You may not use our service or the information it provides to make decisions about consumer credit, employment, insurance, tenant screening, or any other purpose that would require FCRA compliance. Absolute People Search does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency. (These terms have special meanings under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 USC 1681 et seq., ("FCRA"), which are incorporated herein by reference.). The information available on our website may not be 100% accurate, complete, or up to date, so do not use it as a substitute for your own due diligence, especially if you have concerns about a person's criminal history. Absolute People Search does not make any representation or warranty about the accuracy or availability of the information available through our website or about the character or integrity of the person about whom you inquire.